This is a diary of mooriver fun bets trading on futures using the mooriver system (launched officially on 1st November 2009).
06:23am, 18-04-13, lost 50 quid, so that is 454 pounds in red from 90 winners and 77 losers and 3 breakevens out of 170 selections in the 17th Series of fun bets.
06:32am, 17-04-13, highlighted my fun long 1377 on gold.
11-04-13, lost a fun short on euro near 13056 for 44 quid, so that is 404 pounds in red from 90 winners and 76 losers and 3 breakevens out of 169 selections in the 17th Series of fun bets.
20:01pm, 10-04-13, lost the binaries, so that is 360 pounds in red from 90 winners and 75 losers and 3 breakevens out of 168 selections in the 17th Series of fun bets.
19:52pm, 10-04-13, came out at breakeven, so that is 331 pounds in red from 90 winners and 73 losers and 3 breakevens out of 166 selections in the 17th Series of fun bets.
19:19pm, 10-04-13, highlighted my fun long 13060 as a hedge.
08:20am, 10-04-13, highlighted my fun bet one touch on 12990 at 7 quid.
08:06am, 10-04-13, highlighted my fun bet one touch 13030 on euro at 22 quid.
07:56am, 10-04-13, nicked 8 quid, so that is 331 pounds in red from 90 winners and 73 losers and 2 breakevens out of 165 selections in the 17th Series of fun bets.
18:53pm, 09-04-13, highlighted my fun short 13090 on euro.
17:17pm, 09-04-13, binary hit, so made 70 quid, 339 pounds in red from 89 winners and 73 losers and 2 breakevens out of 164 selections in the 17th Series of fun bets.
07:42am, 09-04-13, highlighted my fun long one touch euro at 13090 for 30 quid.
21:00pm, 08-04-13, the binaries failed to deliver, nicked 2 quid on the euro short, so that is 409 pounds in red from 88 winners and 73 losers and 2 breakevens out of 163 selections in the 17th Series of fun bets.
19:48pm, 08-04-13, highlighted my fun short 13006 on euro.
08:09am, 08-04-13, highlighted another fun bet in the form a daily touch on ftse 6340 for 9 quid.
07:29am, 08-04-13, highlighted fun bet in the form of one lot of euro binary for 8pm touch at 13040 for 35 quid a go.
20:42pm, 05-04-13, sorry, folks, have to nominate a third mooriver Grand National Horse, Harry the Viking at 33/1. So this year, we have three mooriver horses running in the Grand National: Harry the Viking, Imperial Commander, Ballabriggs.
19:10pm, 04-04-13, nicked 18 quid, so that is 368 pounds in red from 87 winners and 71 losers and 2 breakevens out of 160 selections in the 17th Series of fun bets.
17:16pm, 04-04-13, highlighted my fun long 6339.
07:19am, 04-04-13, banked 30 quid, so that is 386 pounds in red from 86 winners and 71 losers and 2 breakevens out of 159 selections in the 17th Series of fun bets.
19:20pm, 03-04-13, highlighted my fun long 6405.
20:04pm, 01-04-13, chopped for 2 quid, so that is 416 pounds in red from 85 winners and 71 losers and 2 breakevens out of 158 selections in the 17th Series of fun bets.
17:25pm, 01-04-13, highlighted my fun short 12850 on euro/dollar.
07:45am, 28-03-13, chopped for 20 quid, 414 pounds in red from 85 winners and 70 losers and 2 breakevens out of 157 selections in the 17th Series of fun bets.
22:36pm, 28-03-13, this year's mooriver Grand National horses are Imperial Commander at 16/1 and Ballabriggs at 22/1. Good luck, all mooriver fans!
08:07am, 28-03-13, lost the short, highlighted my fun short 6400, 394 pounds in red from 85 winners and 69 losers and 2 breakevens out of 156 selections in the 17th Series of fun bets.
05:16am, 28-03-13, markets are one upleg short of reaching the summit:
13:22pm, 27-03-13, lost that long, highlighted my fun short 6353, 293 pounds in red from 85 winners and 68 losers and 2 breakevens out of 155 selections in the 17th Series of fun bets.
08:02am, 27-03-13, highlighted my fun long 6416.
06:05am, 27-03-13, banked 40 quid, 193 pounds in red from 85 winners and 67 losers and 2 breakevens out of 154 selections in the 17th Series of fun bets.
07:36am, 26-03-13, take a look at the MACD:
06:13am, 26-03-13, highlighted my fun long 6397.
21:04pm, 25-03-13, nicked 38 quid, so that is 233 pounds in red from 84 winners and 67 losers and 2 breakevens out of 153 selections in the 17th Series of fun bets.
19:31pm, 25-03-13, highlighted my fun long 6372.
18:32pm, 25-03-13, banked 22 quid, so that is 271 pounds in red from 83 winners and 67 losers and 2 breakevens out of 152 selections in the 17th Series of fun bets.
17:47pm, 25-03-13, lost that one, highlighted my fun long 6374, so that is 293 pounds in red from 82 winners and 67 losers and 2 breakevens out of 151 selections in the 17th Series of fun bets.
08:42am, 25-03-13, chopped for 16 quid, highlighted my fun long 6432, so that is 193 pounds in red from 82 winners and 66 losers and 2 breakevens out of 150 selections in the 17th Series of fun bets.
08:19am, 25-03-13, highlighted my fun long 13001.
08:13am, 25-03-13, chopped for 2 quid, so that is 177 pounds in red from 82 winners and 65 losers and 2 breakevens out of 149 selections in the 17th Series of fun bets.
07:42am, 25-03-13, highlighted my fun short 6425.
07:31am, 25-03-13, nicked 2 quid, so that is 175 pounds in red from 82 winners and 64 losers and 2 breakevens out of 148 selections in the 17th Series of fun bets.
06:33am, 25-03-13, highlighted my fun short 6426.
06:28am, 25-03-13, out for a fiver, barking on the wrong with cable, so that is 177 pounds in red from 81 winners and 64 losers and 2 breakevens out of 147 selections in the 17th Series of fun bets.
21:00pm, 22-03-13, highlighted my fun long 15235 on GS.
20:57pm, 22-03-13, nicked 8 quid, so that is 182 pounds in red from 80 winners and 64 losers and 2 breakevens out of 146 selections in the 17th Series of fun bets.
19:16pm, 22-03-13, sterling might be headed for $1.8000, GBPP worth a looking into:
18:43pm, 22-03-13, maybe the end of pullback is here:
16:54pm, 22-03-13, highlighted my fun long 6393.
08:26am, 22-03-13, bailed out for 12 quid loss, so that is 190 pounds in red from 79 winners and 64 losers and 2 breakevens out of 145 selections in the 17th Series of fun bets.
05:49am, 22-03-13, maybe it will go like this:
20:37pm, 21-03-13, highlighted my fun short 6371.
18:46pm, 21-03-13, banked 14 quid, so that is 178 pounds in red from 79 winners and 63 losers and 2 breakevens out of 144 selections in the 17th Series of fun bets.
17:19pm, 21-03-13, highlighted my fun short 6384.
12:56pm, 21-03-13, nicked 48 quid, so that is 192 pounds in red from 78 winners and 63 losers and 2 breakevens out of 143 selections in the 17th Series of fun bets.
08:30am, 21-03-13, lost 34 quid, highlighted my fun short 6414, 240 pounds in red from 77 winners and 63 losers and 2 breakevens out of 142 selections in the 17th Series of fun bets.
07:18am, 21-03-13, highlighted my fun long 6431.
20:23pm, 20-03-13, banked 64 quid, 206 pounds in red from 77 winners and 62 losers and 2 breakevens out of 141 selections in the 17th Series of fun bets.
08:21am, 20-03-13, highlighted my fun short 6468.
20:00pm, 18-03-13, banked 36 quid, 270 pounds in red from 76 winners and 62 losers and 2 breakevens out of 140 selections in the 17th Series of fun bets.
17:31pm, 18-03-13, highlighted my fun short 6458.
08:18m, 18-03-13, limit hit when I was having a shower, happy days, 306 pounds in red from 75 winners and 62 losers and 2 breakevens out of 139 selections in the 17th Series of fun bets.
07:35am, 18-03-13, highlighted my fun long 6363, 50 stop, 50 limit.
09:40am, 16-03-13, suppose that we have seen the top, and a dump till 5550ish classic number and a bounce back to form a lower high near 6500ish would be ideal, if I were the fat controller
so while people can talk about 7000 etc., at these levels, a sudden reversal can not be ruled out safely!
6200ish is now the bottom dollar for bulls
05:56am, 14-03-13, max downside 6110:
17:33pm, 11-03-13, lost 124 quid, so that is 406 pounds in red from 74 winners and 62 losers and 2 breakevens out of 138 selections in the 17th Series of fun bets.
08:29am, 11-03-13, doable?
07:10am, 10-03-13, ftse 100 might go like this in the coming week (after an initial attack on 6500ish):
20:20pm, 09-03-13, maybe ftse100 will go like this:
15:55pm, 08-03-13, bailing out for 6 quid loss, highlighted my fun short 6469, so that is 282 pounds in red from 74 winners and 61 losers and 2 breakevens out of 137 selections in the 17th Series of fun bets.
14:53pm, 08-03-13, highlighted my fun long 6472.
14:21pm, 08-03-13, banked 26 quid, so that is 276 pounds in red from 74 winners and 60 losers and 2 breakevens out of 136 selections in the 17th Series of fun bets.
11:22am, 08-03-13, this red triangle has bearish implications:
09:16am, 08-03-13, highlighted my fun long 6467.
09:13am, 08-03-13, nicked a tenner, 302 pounds in red from 73 winners and 60 losers and 2 breakevens out of 135 selections in the 17th Series of fun bets.
08:48am, 08-03-13, bulls have unfinished bull business till 6510ish today:
08:36am, 08-03-13, highlighted my fun short 6475.
08:29am, 08-03-13, lost 103 quid, so that is 312 pounds in red from 72 winners and 60 losers and 2 breakevens out of 134 selections in the 17th Series of fun bets.
18:24pm, 06-03-13, nicked 8 quid, highlighted my fun short 6428, so that is 209 pounds in red from 72 winners and 59 losers and 2 breakevens out of 133 selections in the 17th Series of fun bets.
17:11pm, 06-03-13, highlighted my fun long 6424, stop 6415.
16:32pm, 06-03-13, came out at 4 quid overall cost, not clever with the dividend hunters yesterday, so that is 217 pounds in red from 71 winners and 59 losers and 2 breakevens out of 132 selections in the 17th Series of fun bets.
15:23pm, 05-03-13, highlighted my fun short 6426.
14:17pm, 05-03-13, banked 60 quid (was on £3 stake, stoploss 6380), so that is 213 pounds in red from 71 winners and 58 losers and 2 breakevens out of 131 selections in the 17th Series of fun bets.
11:59am, 05-03-13, highlighted my fun long 6396.
11:58am, 05-03-13, chopped for 9 quid, so that is 273 pounds in red from 70 winners and 58 losers and 2 breakevens out of 130 selections in the 17th Series of fun bets.
11:27am, 05-03-13, highlighted my fun short 14158.
11:13am, 05-03-13, chopped for 22 quid, 264 pounds in red from 70 winners and 57 losers and 2 breakevens out of 129 selections in the 17th Series of fun bets.
09:06am, 05-03-13, highlighted my fun long 6403.
09:04am, 05-03-13, chopped for 18 quid, 242 pounds in red from 70 winners and 56 losers and 2 breakevens out of 128 selections in the 17th Series of fun bets.
08:53am, 05-03-13, highlighted my fun short 6392.
08:48am, 05-03-13, banked 34 quid, so that is 224 pounds in red from 70 winners and 55 losers and 2 breakevens out of 127 selections in the 17th Series of fun bets.
06:29am, 05-03-13, highlighted my fun long 6376.
20:52pm, 04-03-13, came out at breakeven, so that is 258 pounds in red from 69 winners and 55 losers and 2 breakevens out of 126 selections in the 17th Series of fun bets.
20:05pm, 04-03-13, highlighted my fun short 14120.
20:00pm, 04-03-13, nicked 4 pounds, so that is 258 pounds in red from 69 winners and 55 losers and 1 breakeven out of 125 selections in the 17th Series of fun bets.
06:53am, 04-03-13, a few classic supports to break down:
06:16am, 01-03-2013, end of the bull market???
19:35pm, 28-02-13, chopped for 12 quid and highlighted my fun short 6373, so that is 262 pounds in red from 68 winners and 55 losers and 1 breakeven out of 124 selections in the 17the Series of
18:53pm, 28-02-13, highlighted my fun long 6379.
18:51pm, 28-02-13, chopped for 60 quid, so that is 250 pounds in red from 68 winners and 54 losers and 1 breakeven out of 123 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets
12:12pm, 28-02-13, highlighted my fun short 6349.
10:20am, 28-02-13, banked 38 quid, 190 pounds in red from 68 winners and 53 losers and 1 breakeven out of 122 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets
06:44am, 28-02-13, highlighted my fun short 6363.
20:25pm, 27-02-13, lost 48 quid, lost the plot here, so that is 228 pounds in red from 67 winners and 53 losers and 1 breakeven out of 121 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets
17:29pm, 27-02-13, highlighted my fun short 6346.
17:24pm, 27-02-13, lost that short, so that is 180 pounds in red from 67 winners and 52 losers and 1 breakeven out of 120 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
15:45pm, 27-02-13, highlighted my fun short 6298.
15:36pm, 27-02-13, lost that short, 80 pounds in red from 67 winners and 51 losers and 1 breakeven out of 119 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
09:25am, 27-02-13, a fib perfect bear run:
07:26am, 26-02-13, in a bear move, the best defence for investors is SUK2, well, a nasty name though:
06:06am, 26-02-13, bears are roaming:
21:20pm, 25-02-13, highlighted my fun short 6253.
20:55pm, 25-02-13, lost that long, so that is 26 pounds in PROFIT from 67 winners and 50 losers and 1 breakeven out of 118 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
18:23pm, 25-02-13, highlighted my fun long 6300.
17:50pm, 25-02-13, banked 30 quid, so that is 126 pounds in PROFIT from 67 winners and 49 losers and 1 breakeven out of 117 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
17:00pm, 25-02-13, highlighted my fun long 6305.
16:52pm, 25-02-13, lost 40 quid, so that is 96 pounds in PROFIT from 66 winners and 49 losers and 1 breakeven out of 116 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
16:46pm, 25-02-13, highlighted my fun long 6328.
16:41pm, 25-02-13, banked 38 quid, so that is 136 pounds in PROFIT from 66 winners and 48 losers and 1 breakeven out of 115 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
08:58am, 25-02-13, might go like this :
06:50am, 25-02-13, highlighted my fun short 6351.
20:48pm, 22-02-13, chopped for 56 quid, so that is 98 pounds in PROFIT from 65 winners and 48 losers and 1 breakeven out of 114 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets..
19:50pm, 22-02-13, highlighted my fun short 6350.
19:30pm, 22-02-13, nicked a tenner, so that is 154 pounds in PROFIT from 65 winners and 47 losers and 1 breakeven out of 113 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets..
18:53pm, 22-02-13, highlighted my fun short 13987.
18:50pm, 22-02-13, lost the short, so that is 144 pounds in PROFIT from 64 winners and 47 losers and 1 breakeven out of 112 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets..
09:56am, 22-02-13, very close to the Cliff again:
08:34am, 22-02-13, highlighted my fun short 6335 on double stakes.
08:21am, 22-02-13, banked 28 quid, so that is 244 pounds in PROFIT from 64 winners and 46 losers and 1 breakeven out of 111 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets..
07:45am, 22-02-13, highlighted my fun long 6311 on double stakes.
20:07pm, 21-02-13, chopped for a tenner, so that is 216 pounds in PROFIT from 63 winners and 46 losers and 1 breakeven out of 110 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets..
18:48pm, 21-02-13, bailed out for 18 quid loss, highlighted my fun short 6296, so that is 226 pounds in PROFIT from 63 winners and 45 losers and 1 breakeven out of 109 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets..
16:37pm, 21-02-13, highlighted my fun long 13865.
15:10pm, 21-02-13, chopped for 50 quid, so that is 244 pounds in PROFIT from 63 winners and 44 losers and 1 breakeven out of 107 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets..
08:45am, 21-02-13, highlighted my fun long 6310.
08:32am, 21=-2=13, chopped for 76 quid, so that is 294 pounds in PROFIT from 63 winners and 43 losers and 1 breakeven out of 106 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets..
07:23am, 20-02-13, highlighted my fun long 6352.
21:05pm, 20-02-13, lost 44 quid, so that is 360 pounds in PROFIT from 63 winners and 42 losers and 1 breakeven out of 105 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets..
20:20pm, 20-02-13, highlighted my fun long 13938.
20:07pm, 20-02-13, banked 42 quid, so that is 404 pounds in PROFIT from 63 winners and 41 losers and 1 breakeven out of 104 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets..
18:48pm, 20-02-13, maybe it is time to fill in that gap!!!!
10:18am, 20-02-13, highlighted my fun short 6395.
10:05am, 20-02-13, banked 36 quid, so that is 362 pounds in PROFIT from 62 winners and 41 losers and 1 breakeven out of 103 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets..
09:03am, 20-02-13, chopped for 20 quid, highlighted my fun long 6384, so that is 326 pounds in PROFIT from 61 winners and 41 losers and 1 breakeven out of 102 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets..
08:32am, 20-02-13, chopped for 4 quid, highlighted my fun short 6374, so that is 346 pounds in PROFIT from 61 winners and 40 losers and 1 breakeven out of 101 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets..
07:23am, 20-02-13, highlighted my fun long 6376.
20:16pm, 19-02-13, chopped for 6 quid, so that is 350 pounds in PROFIT from 61 winners and 39 losers and 1 breakeven out of 100 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
18:16pm, 19-02-13, highlighted my fun short 6369.
17:13pm, 19-02-13, chopped for 14 quid, so that is 356 pounds in PROFIT from 61 winners and 38 losers and 1 breakeven out of 99 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
16:08pm, 19-02-13, highlighted my fun short 14018.
14:50pm, 19-02-13, chopped for 38 quid, so that is 370 pounds in PROFIT from 61 winners and 37 losers and 1 breakeven out of 98 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
14:10pm, 19-02-13, highlighted my fun short 6351.
14:03pm, 19-02-13, nicked 28 quid, so that is 408 pounds in PROFIT from 61 winners and 36 losers and 1 breakeven out of 97 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets
12:08pm, 19-02-13, highlighted my fun long 6339.
12:05pm, 19-02-13, nicked a tenner, so that is 380 pounds in PROFIT from 60 winners and 36 losers and 1 breakeven out of 96 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets
11:21am, 19-02-13, highlighted my fun short 6344.
10:08am, 19-02-13, banked 24 quid, so that is 370 pounds in PROFIT from 59 winners and 36 losers and 1 breakeven out of 95 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets
09:06am, 19-02-13, highlighted my fun long 6325.
08:34am, 19-02-13, banked 36 quid, so that is 346 pounds in PROFIT from 58 winners and 36 losers and 1 breakeven out of 94 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets
07:33am, 19-02-13, highlighted my fun long 6312.
18:07pm, 18-02-13, nicked 2 quid, so that is 310 pounds in PROFIT from 57 winners and 36 losers and 1 breakeven out of 93 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
08:25am, 18-02-13, highlighted my fun long 6317.
08:22am, 18-02-13, chopped for 7 quid, so that is 308 pounds in PROFIT from 56 winners and 36 losers and 1 breakeven out of 92 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets
07:56am, 16-02-13, some weekly reflections:
"I am speechless. A second week without doing the weekly studies as a mooriverwatcher, the moorivertrader thrived again, now the fun bet series stands at £315 in profit. This seems to demonstrate
that the roles of a mooriverwatcher and a moorivertrader are mutually exclusive, hence one can only choose to be either, not both, it seems. I will keep on building up the profits, when it reaches
£1000 in profit, I will give this duality role another go, just to tempt fate once more, to see whether this duality dilemma is actually valid.
But I have been pondering why this duality dilemma exits. It is a matter of actor(me), action(moorivertrader) and theory of action(mooriverwatcher). Without going into too much details,
the fundamental issue is that action entails trial and error while the theory of action pursues perfection, rationality, logical coherence etc., hence by taking on the duality roles, the actor
is most likely to be squashed between two opposite forces.
Still, had a very bad Tuesday again. Without that one, the profit would have been more than 500 pounds.
All to play for in the coming week, as I expect the meandering process to continue in February, though China comes back to trading after their festival.
Have a nice weekend, folks."
20:48pm, 15-02-13, highlighted my fun short 13965.
20:31pm, 15-02-13, nicked 7 quid, so that is 315 pounds in PROFIT from 56 winners and 35 losers and 1 breakeven out of 91 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
19:48pm, 15-02-13, highlighted my fun long 6311.
19:18pm, 15-02-13, banked 10 quid, so that is 308 pounds in PROFIT from 55 winners and 35 losers and 1 breakeven out of 90 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
18:13pm, 15-02-13, highlighted my fun short 6320.
17:32pm, 15-02-13, banked 56 quid, so that is 298 pounds in PROFIT from 54 winners and 35 losers and 1 breakeven out of 89 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
13:56pm, 15-02-13, highlighted my fun short 6347.
12:35pm, 15-02-13, chopped for 16 quid, so that is 242 pounds in PROFIT from 53 winners and 35 losers and 1 breakeven out of 88 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
10:29am, 15-02-13, nicked 16 quid, highlighted my fun short 6323, so that is 258 pounds in PROFIT from 53 winners and 34 losers and 1 breakeven out of 87 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
09:39am, 15-02-13, highlighted my fun long 6314.
09:33am, 15-02-13 banked 34 quid, 242 pounds in PROFIT from 52 winners and 34 losers and 1 breakeven out of 86 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
18:31pm, 14-02-13, highlighted my fun short 6332.
16:22pm, 14-02-13, lost 8 quid, so that is 209 pounds in PROFIT from 51 winners and 34 losers and 1 breakeven out of 85 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
14:58pm, 14-02-13, highlighted my fun short 6323.
12:54pm, 14-02-13, banked 30 quid, so that is 217 pounds in PROFIT from 51 winners and 33 losers and 1 breakeven out of 85 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
11:11am, 14-02-13, highlighted my fun long 6308, come on, bulls, don't cry, here comes your turn.
10:59am, 14-02-13, banked 96 quid, happy Valentine's Day, bears, so that is 187 pounds in PROFIT from 50 winners and 33 losers and 1 breakeven out of 84 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
09:06am, 14-02-13, highlighted my fun short 6358.
09:05am, 14-02-13, nicked 2 quid, so that is 91 pounds in PROFIT from 49 winners and 33 losers and 1 breakeven out of 83 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
07:15am, 14-02-13, highlighted my fun long 6358.
20:26pm, 13-02-13, banked 12 quid, so that is 89 pounds in PROFIT from 48 winners and 33 losers and 1 breakeven out of 82 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets
18:25pm, 13-02-13, highlighted my fun short 6363.
16:29pm, 13-02-13, banked 40 quid, so that is 77 pounds in PROFIT from 47 winners and 33 losers and 1 breakeven out of 81 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets
14:41pm, 13-02-13, highlighted my fun short 6378.
14:38pm, 13-02-13, lost the short, so that is 37 pounds in PROFIT from 46 winners and 33 losers and 1 breakeven out of 80 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets
11:51am, 13-02-13, highlighted my fun short 6331.
11:50am, 13-02-13, banked 30 quid, so that is 137 pounds in PROFIT from 46 winners and 32 losers and 1 breakeven out of 79 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
10:35am, 13-02-13, highlighted my fun long 6318.
10:30am, 13-02-13, banked 14 quid, so that is 107 pounds in PROFIT from 45 winners and 32 losers and 1 breakeven out of 78 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
08:04am, 13-02-13, highlighted my fun short 6322.
08:01am, 13-02-13, banked 20 quid, so that is 93 pounds in PROFIT from 44 winners and 32 losers and 1 breakeven out of 77 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
07:29am, 13-02-13, highlighted my fun long 6313.
20:49pm, 12-02-13, chopped for a total cost of 78 quid, so that is 73 pounds in PROFIT from 43 winners and 32 losers and 1 breakeven out of 76 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
09:21am, 12-02-13, highlighted my fun short 6289.
09:18am, 12-02-13, banked 38 quid, so that is 151 pounds in PROFIT from 43 winners and 31 losers and 1 breakeven out of 75 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
07:02am, 12-02-13, highlighted my fun long 6269.
20:54pm, 11-02-13, nicked 8 quid, so that is 113 pounds in PROFIT from 42 winners and 31 losers and 1 breakeven out of 74 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
18:10pm, 11-02-13, highlighted my fun long 6272.
17:19pm, 11-02-13, banked 14 quid, so that is 105 pounds in PROFIT from 41 winners and 31 losers and 1 breakeven out of 73 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
16:46pm, 11-02-13, highlighted my fun short 6280.
16:12pm, 11-02-13, banked 26 quid, so that is 91 pounds in PROFIT from 40 winners and 31 losers and 1 breakeven out of 72 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
13:11pm, 11-02-13, highlighted my fun short 6285.
13:04pm, 11-02-13, banked 22 quid, so that is 68 pounds in PROFIT from 39 winners and 31 losers and 1 breakeven out of 71 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
11:26am, 11-02-13, highlighted my fun long 6275.
09:47am, 11-02-13, banked 54 quid, so that is 46 pounds in PROFIT from 38 winners and 31 losers and 1 breakeven out of 70 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
08:05am, 11-02-13, highlighted my fun long 6257.
21:22pm, 08-02-13, bailed out at 18 quid loss, so that is 8 pounds in red from 37 winners and 31 losers and 1 breakeven out of 69 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
16:45pm, 08-02-13, a lick of 6300ish will be enough:
16:01pm, 08-02-13, highlighted my fun long 6269.
15:14pm, 08-02-13, banked 38 quid, so that is 10 pounds in profit from 37 winners and 30 losers and 1 breakeven out of 68 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets
13:41pm, 08-02-13, highlighted my fun long 6255.
13:38pm, 08-02-13, chopped for 36 quid, so that is 28 pounds in red from 36 winners and 30 losers and 1 breakeven out of 67 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets
08:46am, 08-02-13, meandering?
22:14pm, 07-02-13, need one more leg down to complete the job:
17:30pm, 07-02-13, highlighted my fun short 6236.
17:12pm, 07-02-13, nicked 18 quid, so that is 8 pounds in Profit from 36 winners and 29 losers and 1 breakeven out of 66 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
16:54pm, 07-02-13, highlighted my fun long 6227.
16:52pm, 07-02-13, nicked 6 quid, so that is 10 pounds in red from 35 winners and 29 losers and 1 breakeven out of 65 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets
16:26pm, 07-02-13, highlighted my fun short 6230.
16:17pm, 07-02-13, nicked 18 quid, so that is 16 pounds in red from 34 winners and 29 losers and 1 breakeven out of 64 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets
15:44pm, 07-02-13, highlighted my fun long 6227
15:34pm, 07-02-13, banked 74 quid, so that is 34 pounds in red from 33 winners and 29 losers and 1 breakeven out of 63 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets
14:30pm, 07-02-13, highlighted my fun short 6276.
14:17pm, 07-02-13, banked 20 quid, so that is 108 pounds in red from 32 winners and 29 losers and 1 breakeven out of 62 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
13:22pm, 07-02-13, highlighted my fun long 6270.
13:01pm, 07-02-13, banked 48 quid, so that is 128 pounds in red from 31 winners and 29 losers and 1 breakeven out of 61 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
11:42am, 07-02-13, jumping off the board, what a bear dive, 10/10?
09:31am, 07-02-13, bailed out at a loss of 6 quid, highlighted my fun short 6295, 176 pounds in red from 30 winners and 29 losers and 1 breakeven out of 60 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
06:41am, 07-02-13, a bearflag?
06:31am, 07-02-13, highlighted my fun long 6298.
21:30pm, 06-02-13, nicked 4 quid, hugely disappointed, so that is 170 pounds in red from 30 winners and 28 losers and 1 breakeven out of 59 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
09:44am, 06-02-13, highlighted my fun short 6306.
09:40am, 06-02-13, banked 28 quid, so that is 174 pounds in red from 29 winners and 28 losers and 1 breakeven out of 58 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
08:35am, 06-02-13, going the right way:
06:42am, 06-02-13, no bears today:
06:34am, 06-02-13, highlighted my fun long 6292.
06:20am, 06-02-13, out of the short at 7 quid loss, so that is 202 pounds in red from 28 winners and 28 losers and 1 breakeven out of 57 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
20:08pm, 05-02-13, highlighted my fun short 6290.
20:05pm, 05-02-13, nicked 4 quid, so that is 195 pounds in red from 28 winners and 27 losers and 1 breakeven out of 56 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
19:31pm, 05-02-13, highlighted my fun long 6288.
19:29pm, 05-02-13, bailed out at 14 quid loss, so that is 199 pounds in red from 27 winners and 27 losers and 1 breakeven out of 55 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
15:25pm, 05-02-13, time to break 6250?
14:33pm, 05-02-13, came out at breakeven, highlighted my fun short 6280, so that is 185 pounds in red from 27 winners and 26 losers and 1 breakeven out of 54 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
13:13pm, 05-02-13, highlighted my fun long 6280.
13:02pm, 05-02-13, nicked 14 quid, so that is 185 pounds in red from 27 winners and 26 losers out of 53 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
12:03pm, 05-02-13, highlighted my fun short 6287.
11:54am, 05-02-13, banked 72 quid, so that is 199 pounds in red from 26 winners and 26 losers out of 52 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
08:20am, 05-02-13, going the right way:
07:01am, 05-02-13, highlighted my fun long 6251.
05:53am, 05-02-13, might go like this:
21:07pm, 04-02-13, nicked a tenner, so that is 271 pounds in red from 25 winners and 26 losers out of 51 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
20:21pm, 04-02-13, highlighted my fun short 6254.
20:13pm, 04-02-13, chopped for 32 quid, so that is 281 pounds in red from 24 winners and 26 losers out of 50 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
13:22pm, 04-02-13, highlighted my fun long 6270.
13:00pm, 04-02-13, banked 50 quid, so that is 249 pounds in red from 24 winners and 25 losers out of 49 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
10:42pm, 04-02-13, chopped for 76 quid, highlighted my fun short 6320, so that is 299 pounds in red from 23 winners and 25 losers out of 48 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
17:11pm, 03-02-13, something like this might happen in the coming week:
07:45am, 03-02-13, BT could be one of the key drivers in this TMT bull market for 2013:
11:57am, 02-02-13, some weekly reflections:
Not much full mooriver reporting in February, might do one on BT this weekend if I get a chance. Trading in the fun bets series has been improved a bit this week.
Let's have a look at my forecasts and outcomes:
FTSE100: 6420-6270 (actual: 6363-6273, the bottom was pinned perfectly!);
SPX500: 1493-1530 (actual: 1496-1514, pinned the bottom here too);
Euro/dollar: $1.3750-$1.3420 (actual: $1.3711-$1.3414, almost perfect here);
Nymex: $99-$95.60 (actual: $98.24-$95.48, almost there too);
Gold: $1600-$1659 (actual: $1684-$1652, I must give up on gold);
BP: 479-455 pence (actual: 482-462 pence);
Barclays: 310-294 pence (actual: 307-295 pence, almost perfect here).
Overall, perhaps this is one of the best bunches of weekly forecasts that I have ever produced. The power of the mooriverwatch system is for all to see, though
it has been let down so far by moorivertrading system in the current fun bet setup. I am taking a break in February.
Have a good one, folks.
18:44pm, 01-02-13, lost 26 quid, highlighted my fun long 6357, so that is 223 pounds in red from 23 winners and 24 losers out of 47 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
16:08pm, 01-02-13, highlighted my fun short 6344 for a scalp.
13:54pm, 01-02-13, banked 58 quid, so that is 197 pounds in red from 23 winners and 23 losers out of 46 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
12:03pm, 01-02-13, highlighted my fun long 6300.
10:34am, 01-02-13, banked 42 quid, so that is 255 pounds in red from 22 winners and 23 losers out of 45 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
08:21am, 01-02-13, BT seems to be heading towards a bright future:
07:32am, 01-02-13, highlighted my fun long 6295.
20:34pm, 31-01-13, lost that long, so that is 297 pounds in red from 21 winners and 23 losers out of 44 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
08:35am, 31-01-13, amazing a humble blog like this could attract visitors from all over the world, thank you for your visits (the Flag Counter was not installed from the very beginning!). In the UK, at least 10,000 people know the difference between a moon river and a moo river, mooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo:
08:09am, 31-01-13, slowly recover according to the mooriver map:
05:19am, 31-01-13, expanding triangle topping:
16:08pm, 30-01-13, this would be ideal:
15:20pm, 30-01-13, banked 34 quid, highlighted my fun long 6323, so that is 197 pounds in red from 21 winners and 22 losers out of 43 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
13:23pm, 30-01-13, M+A on MACD:
10:52am, 30-01-13, looking a bit bearish to me, like a goalpost:
10:37am, 30-01-13, highlighted my fun short 6340.
10:33am, 30-01-13, bailing out at 4 quid loss, so that is 231 pounds in red from 20 winners and 22 losers out of 42 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
09:47am, 30-01-13, seems to be going the right way:
05:43am, 30-01-13, my latest thoughts on ftse:
20:33pm, 29-01-13, highlighted my fun long 6341.
19:49pm, 29-01-13, banked a tenner, so that is 227 pounds in red from 20 winners and 21 losers out of 41 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
17:25pm, 29-01-13, banked 16 quid, highlighted my fun long 6329, so that is 237 pounds in red from 19 winners and 21 losers out of 40 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
16:38pm, 29-01-13, highlighted my fun short 6337.
16:33pm, 29-01-13, banked 38 quid, so that is 256 pounds in red from 18 winners and 21 losers out of 39 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
15:50pm, 29-01-13, highlighted my fun long 6324.
15:45pm, 29-01-13, lost 40 quid, so that is 294 pounds in red from 17 winners and 21 losers out of 38 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
09:20am, 29-01-13, maybe this is a better depiction:
04:52am, 29-01-13, maybe it will go like this:
17:00pm, 28-01-13, highlighted my fun short 6301.
15:58pm, 28-01-13, banked 36 quid, so that is 254 pounds in red from 17 winners and 20 losers out of 37 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
14:42pm, 28-01-13, I fancy January to see a top near 6400ish, but close the month about 100 pointers off the top, leaving room for a bearish February
09:07am, 28-01-13, highlighted my fun long 6281:
09:04am, 28-01-13, banked 12 quid, so that is 290 pounds in red from 16 winners and 20 losers out of 36 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
07:13am, 28-01-13, highlighted my fun short 6286.
15:34pm, 26-01-13, some weekly reflections:
What a week. All that grinding finally got to me and missed out on the big bull run on Thursday and then got stuck in the contrarian mentality. My biggest critic Johnga (I happen to think Johnga was also John Liquid in his previous form) has got a big point and it is sad that often I can see the market but still can not make money out of it so far! People who later become successful always thank their biggest critic for that extra motivation in
their stage of weakness and development. I must say, having read some of Johnga/John Liquid's messages, I think I can take these criticisms on the chin. John Liquid who only trades spx500 has a trading strategy, whereby he only trades one way in the direction of the trend. That should have been
a good saving point in the past week for many a bear all over the land, as the trend was up and might still be upwards and onwards!
Now let's have a look at my weekly forecasts and outcomes:
FTSE100: 6140-6260 (actual: 6148-6297);
SPX500: 1471-1494 (actual: 1480-1504);
Euro/dollar: $1.3427-$1.3300 (actual: $1.3479-$1.3265);
Nymex: $99-$94.80 (actual: $96.92-$94.96);
Gold: $1700-$1633 (actual: $1696-$1656);
Barclays: 287-310 pence (actual: 294-304 pence);
BP: 467-455 pence (actual: 470-455 pence).
With a batch of weekly studies like that, any other traders would have made tons of money there. There is a problem here, time to take a break in February.
Take care, folks.
21:52pm, 25-01-13, lost that short, so that is 302 pounds in red from 15 winners and 20 losers out of 35 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
05:27am, 25-01-13, down, up and then down:
19:46pm, 24-01-13, highlighted my fun short 6245.
18:48pm, 24-01-13, chopped for 20 quid, so that is 200 pounds in red from 15 winners and 19 losers out of 34 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
13:42pm, 24-01-13, highlighted my fun short 13788.
13:39pm, 24-01-13, banked 26 quid, so that is 180 pounds in red from 15 winners and 18 losers out of 33 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
10:38am, 24-01-13, creeping upwards and onwards:
09:23am, 24-01-13, bailed out for 40 quid loss and highlighted my fun long 6213, so that is 206 pounds in red from 14 winners and 18 losers out of 32 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
05:54am, 24-01-13, meandering downwards:
21:48pm, 23-01-13, chopped for 20 quid, highlighted my fun short 6193, so that is 166 pounds in red from 14 winners and 17 losers out of 31 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
20:50pm, 23-01-13, highlighted my fun long 6206.
20:46pm, 23-01-13, chopped for 9 quid, so that is 146 pounds in red from 14 winners and 16 losers out of 30 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
19:14pm, 23-01-13, highlighted my fun short 13772.
19:11pm, 23-01-13, banked 30 quid, so that is 137 pounds in red from 14 winners and 15 losers out of 29 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
09:18am, 23-01-13, highlighted my fun long 6188.
08:48am, 23-01-13, lost 24 quid, so that is 167 pounds in red from 13 winners and 15 losers out of 28 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
08:13am, 23-01-13, highlighted my fun long 6200.
21:28pm, 22-01-13, might go like this:
21:20pm, 22-01-13, banked 44 quid, so that is 143 pounds in red from 13 winners and 14 losers out of 27 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
19:07pm, 22-01-13, highlighted my fun long 6193.
18:26pm, 22-01-13, banked 22 quid, so that is 187 pounds in red from 12 winners and 14 losers out of 26 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
12:37pm, 22-01-13, it twists and turns and finished a Wave 4 down, now the final Wave 5 up towards 6260ish:
08:04am, 21-01-13, slightly adjusted:
07:10am, 21-01-13, look at the red mooriver, that could be the one to use:
07:04am, 21-01-13, highlighted my fun long 6176.
07:00am, 21-01-13, think this is the dominant mooriver in play:
05:45pm, 21-01-13, lost 62 quid on that fun short, 209 pounds in red from 11 winners and 14 losers out of 25 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
21:27pm, 20-01-13, the triangle on euro/dollar:
10:28am, 20-01-13, a possible roadmap on Lloyds:
07:33am, 20-01-13, some weekly reflections below:
Our moostar Raffles is staying focused on the long side with his massive longs, lol, every time I dithered, he becomes more determined to see out his vision in huge profit, his bank manager
will be smiling again when he finally banks them longs, lol. Well done, buddy, you shine even in this snowy white season.
Let's have a look at my forecasts and outcomes:
FTSE100: 6119-6274 (actual: 6075-6184);
SPX500: 1467-1497 (actual: 1462-1486);
Euro/dollar: $1.3340-$1.3692 (actual: $1.3257-$1.3404);
Nymex: $93.60-$98.20 (actual: $92.96-$96.50);
Gold: $1663-$1590 (actual: $1661-$1697, continue to get it wrong with gold);
Barclays: 295-311 pence (actual: 287-301 pence);
BP: 487-461 pence (actual: 463-455 pence);
Lloyds: 53.5-64.8 pence (actual: 52-55.6 pence).
Saw the bull run and underestimated the jitters a bit and overestimated the exuberance a bit. Shame, no nailed-on forecasts at all.
Have a good Sunday, folks.
12:12pm, 18-01-13, highlighted my fun short 6161.
12:07pm, 18-01-13, banked 96 quid, so that is 147 pounds in red from 11 winners and 13 losers out of 24 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
06:55am, 18-01-13, could do with some sharpening:
17:55pm, 17-01-13, this pitchfork seems to be working out well:
21:26pm, 16-01-13, think this is the mooriver in play:
19:08pm, 15-01-13, highlighted my fun long 6116.
18:58pm, 15-01-13, lost that one, so that is 245 pounds in red from 10 winners and 13 losers out of 23 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
20:08pm, 14-01-13, highlighted my fun long 13380.
20:06pm, 14-01-13, chopped for 25 quid, so that is 145 pounds in red from 10 winners and 12 losers out of 22 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
18:13pm, 14-01-13, highlighted my fun short 13488.
18:11pm, 14-01-13, chopped the long for 33 quid, so that is 121 pounds in red from 10 winners and 11 losers out of 21 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
07:27am, 13-01-13, an interesting mooriver speculation on Lloyds Banking Group shares, back to 300 pence one day! That will make all taxpayers smile!
17:00pm, 12-01-13, some weekly reflections:
Finally, even our Moostar trader Raffles has found this market a bit of a dither, so he has switched into a much smaller operation for now, which is a good move, imo. Scalping is
becoming very hard, as the daily ranges are kept very tight and trending is not yielding any price movement north yet.
Let's have a look at my forecasts and outcomes:
FTSE100: 6200-6015 (actual: 6132-6050);
SPX500: 1448-1492 (actual: 1451-1476);
Nymex: $93.13-$89.70 (actual: $94.70-$92.44);
Gold: $1656-$1550 (actual: $1679-$1643);
Euro/dollar: $1.3400-$1.3000 (actual: $1.3366-$1.3017);
Barclays: 267-290 pence (actual: 281-302 pence);
BP: 440-465 pence (actual: 446-467 pence).
Well, at least nailed the euro/dollar forecast.
Have a nice weekend, folks.
10:27am, 12-01-13, all Llodys investors will be laughing all the way to their Bank!
07:32am, 11-01-13, a very patient market with lots of jittery traders:
19:46pm, 10-01-13, highlighted my fun long 6113.
19:40pm, 10-01-13, chopped for 14 quid, so that is 88 pounds in red from 10 winners and 10 losers out of 20 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
16:33pm, 10-01-13, highlighted my fun short 6102.
16:15pm, 10-01-13, banked 30 quid, hugely disappointing, so that is 74 pounds in red from 10 winners and 9 losers out of 19 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
10:18am, 10-01-13, Lloyds could be the shining star or Black Hose for 2013:
07:53am, 10-01-13, bulls need to defend pivot:
06:20am, 10-01-13, crossing on ftse:end of meandering, now crossing, so no more scalps on shorts until it hits the upperbank near 6250ish:
08:04am, 09-01-13, highlighted my fun long 6076.
08:01, 09-01-13, chopped for a twenty, so that is 104 pounds in red from 9 winners and 9 losers out of 18 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
15:47pm, 08-01-13, switched out of the long into the short at a cost of 32 quid and hightlighted my fun short 6064, so that is 84 pounds in red from 9 winners and 8 losers out of 17 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
11:50am, 08-01-13, highlighted my fun long 6084.
11:45am, 08-01-13, lost 42 quid, so that is 52 pounds in red from 9 winners and 7 losers out of 16 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
08:19am, 08-01-13, highlighted my fun short 6060.
20:10pm, 07-01-13, nicked 6 quid, so that is 10 pounds in red from 9 winners and 6 losers out of 15 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
19:30pm, 07-01-13, highlighted my fun long 6066.
19:14pm, 07-01-13, banked 28 quid, so that is 16 pounds in red from 8 winners and 6 losers out of 14 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
11:25am, 07-01-13, here is my current bearish count on ftse:
10:45am, 07-01-13, highlighted my fun short 6075.
10:23am, 07-01-13, chopped the ftse long for a tenner, so that is 44 pounds in red from 7 winners and 6 losers out of 13 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
10:14am, 07-01-13, euro found support near $1.3000 big round number.
09:07am, 07-01-13, further adjustment to the ftse daily range:
09:04am, 07-01-13, highlighted my fun long 6072.
09:02am, 07-01-13, banked 46 quid, so that is 34 pounds in red from 7 winners and 5 losers out of 12 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
08:26am, 07-01-13, goes the right way:
07:25am, 07-01-13, daily range on ftse adjusted a bit:
19:16pm, 06-01-13, the weekend is over. FTSE100 might go like this over the coming week:
22:20pm, 05-01-13, all seven reports done, some weekly reflections below:
Had a good start in the new series of fun bets, then wavered again. The old habits die hard. I think basically in 2012 I lost the trader's guts due to the intense love affair with the
markets, gripped by a variety of fear. It is only a game of greed and fear and fear breeds more fear. One has to be brave and determined to be a winner in this game.
Let's have a look at the two forecasts I provided last weekend and the actual outcomes:
FTSE100: 5875-6130 (actual: 5869-6106);
SPX500: 1409-1257 (actual: 1390-1468).
Well, I was caught in two minds and hence produced two divergent forecasts with the bullish count hitting the nail on the head.
That is the problem with me, really, though there is very little doubt that I CAN see the future, for better or for worse!
Have a nice weekend, folks.
20:12pm, 04-01-13, highlighted my fun short 6097.
20:10pm, 04-01-13, lost that spx short, so that is 80 pounds in red from 6 winners and 5 losers out of 11 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
06:20am, 04-01-13, bulls continue to defend defend 6000-6020 zone, a grinding bull market:
20:57pm, 03-01-13, highlighted my fun short 1456.
20:54pm, 03-01-13, chopped for 32 quid, so that is 20 pounds in profit from 6 winners and 4 losers out of 10 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
18:38pm, 03-01-13, highlighted my fun long 6054 on GS.
17:39pm, 03-01-13, chopped for 30 quid, so that is 52 pounds in profit from 6 winners and 3 loser out of 9 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
16:07pm, 03-01-13, ftse: possible head and shoulder pattern:
13:53pm, 03-01-13, came out at 2 quid profit, and highlighted my fun short 6036, so that is 82 pounds in profit from 6 winners and 2 loser out of 8 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
13:49pm, 03-01-13, highlighted my fun long 6035.
13:47pm, 03-01-13, chopped for 35 quid, so that is 80 pounds in profit from 5 winners and 2 loser out of 7 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
13:07pm, 03-01-13, highlighted my fun short 1457.5.
12:50pm, 03-01-13, nicked a tenner, so that is 115 pounds in profit from 5 winners and 1 loser out of 6 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
12:25pm, 03-01-13, bulls have survived the final jitter:
10:58am, 03-01-13, ftse100: while price is being held firm, the rising angle has reduced and we are meandering between the blue fanlines for these two days.
next week should see the bulls resume its trendy run north with more vigor.
06:23am, 18-04-13, lost 50 quid, so that is 454 pounds in red from 90 winners and 77 losers and 3 breakevens out of 170 selections in the 17th Series of fun bets.
06:32am, 17-04-13, highlighted my fun long 1377 on gold.
11-04-13, lost a fun short on euro near 13056 for 44 quid, so that is 404 pounds in red from 90 winners and 76 losers and 3 breakevens out of 169 selections in the 17th Series of fun bets.
20:01pm, 10-04-13, lost the binaries, so that is 360 pounds in red from 90 winners and 75 losers and 3 breakevens out of 168 selections in the 17th Series of fun bets.
19:52pm, 10-04-13, came out at breakeven, so that is 331 pounds in red from 90 winners and 73 losers and 3 breakevens out of 166 selections in the 17th Series of fun bets.
19:19pm, 10-04-13, highlighted my fun long 13060 as a hedge.
08:20am, 10-04-13, highlighted my fun bet one touch on 12990 at 7 quid.
08:06am, 10-04-13, highlighted my fun bet one touch 13030 on euro at 22 quid.
07:56am, 10-04-13, nicked 8 quid, so that is 331 pounds in red from 90 winners and 73 losers and 2 breakevens out of 165 selections in the 17th Series of fun bets.
18:53pm, 09-04-13, highlighted my fun short 13090 on euro.
17:17pm, 09-04-13, binary hit, so made 70 quid, 339 pounds in red from 89 winners and 73 losers and 2 breakevens out of 164 selections in the 17th Series of fun bets.
07:42am, 09-04-13, highlighted my fun long one touch euro at 13090 for 30 quid.
21:00pm, 08-04-13, the binaries failed to deliver, nicked 2 quid on the euro short, so that is 409 pounds in red from 88 winners and 73 losers and 2 breakevens out of 163 selections in the 17th Series of fun bets.
19:48pm, 08-04-13, highlighted my fun short 13006 on euro.
08:09am, 08-04-13, highlighted another fun bet in the form a daily touch on ftse 6340 for 9 quid.
07:29am, 08-04-13, highlighted fun bet in the form of one lot of euro binary for 8pm touch at 13040 for 35 quid a go.
20:42pm, 05-04-13, sorry, folks, have to nominate a third mooriver Grand National Horse, Harry the Viking at 33/1. So this year, we have three mooriver horses running in the Grand National: Harry the Viking, Imperial Commander, Ballabriggs.
19:10pm, 04-04-13, nicked 18 quid, so that is 368 pounds in red from 87 winners and 71 losers and 2 breakevens out of 160 selections in the 17th Series of fun bets.
17:16pm, 04-04-13, highlighted my fun long 6339.
07:19am, 04-04-13, banked 30 quid, so that is 386 pounds in red from 86 winners and 71 losers and 2 breakevens out of 159 selections in the 17th Series of fun bets.
19:20pm, 03-04-13, highlighted my fun long 6405.
20:04pm, 01-04-13, chopped for 2 quid, so that is 416 pounds in red from 85 winners and 71 losers and 2 breakevens out of 158 selections in the 17th Series of fun bets.
17:25pm, 01-04-13, highlighted my fun short 12850 on euro/dollar.
07:45am, 28-03-13, chopped for 20 quid, 414 pounds in red from 85 winners and 70 losers and 2 breakevens out of 157 selections in the 17th Series of fun bets.
22:36pm, 28-03-13, this year's mooriver Grand National horses are Imperial Commander at 16/1 and Ballabriggs at 22/1. Good luck, all mooriver fans!
08:07am, 28-03-13, lost the short, highlighted my fun short 6400, 394 pounds in red from 85 winners and 69 losers and 2 breakevens out of 156 selections in the 17th Series of fun bets.
05:16am, 28-03-13, markets are one upleg short of reaching the summit:
13:22pm, 27-03-13, lost that long, highlighted my fun short 6353, 293 pounds in red from 85 winners and 68 losers and 2 breakevens out of 155 selections in the 17th Series of fun bets.
08:02am, 27-03-13, highlighted my fun long 6416.
06:05am, 27-03-13, banked 40 quid, 193 pounds in red from 85 winners and 67 losers and 2 breakevens out of 154 selections in the 17th Series of fun bets.
07:36am, 26-03-13, take a look at the MACD:
06:13am, 26-03-13, highlighted my fun long 6397.
21:04pm, 25-03-13, nicked 38 quid, so that is 233 pounds in red from 84 winners and 67 losers and 2 breakevens out of 153 selections in the 17th Series of fun bets.
19:31pm, 25-03-13, highlighted my fun long 6372.
18:32pm, 25-03-13, banked 22 quid, so that is 271 pounds in red from 83 winners and 67 losers and 2 breakevens out of 152 selections in the 17th Series of fun bets.
17:47pm, 25-03-13, lost that one, highlighted my fun long 6374, so that is 293 pounds in red from 82 winners and 67 losers and 2 breakevens out of 151 selections in the 17th Series of fun bets.
08:42am, 25-03-13, chopped for 16 quid, highlighted my fun long 6432, so that is 193 pounds in red from 82 winners and 66 losers and 2 breakevens out of 150 selections in the 17th Series of fun bets.
08:19am, 25-03-13, highlighted my fun long 13001.
08:13am, 25-03-13, chopped for 2 quid, so that is 177 pounds in red from 82 winners and 65 losers and 2 breakevens out of 149 selections in the 17th Series of fun bets.
07:42am, 25-03-13, highlighted my fun short 6425.
07:31am, 25-03-13, nicked 2 quid, so that is 175 pounds in red from 82 winners and 64 losers and 2 breakevens out of 148 selections in the 17th Series of fun bets.
06:33am, 25-03-13, highlighted my fun short 6426.
06:28am, 25-03-13, out for a fiver, barking on the wrong with cable, so that is 177 pounds in red from 81 winners and 64 losers and 2 breakevens out of 147 selections in the 17th Series of fun bets.
21:00pm, 22-03-13, highlighted my fun long 15235 on GS.
20:57pm, 22-03-13, nicked 8 quid, so that is 182 pounds in red from 80 winners and 64 losers and 2 breakevens out of 146 selections in the 17th Series of fun bets.
19:16pm, 22-03-13, sterling might be headed for $1.8000, GBPP worth a looking into:
18:43pm, 22-03-13, maybe the end of pullback is here:
16:54pm, 22-03-13, highlighted my fun long 6393.
08:26am, 22-03-13, bailed out for 12 quid loss, so that is 190 pounds in red from 79 winners and 64 losers and 2 breakevens out of 145 selections in the 17th Series of fun bets.
05:49am, 22-03-13, maybe it will go like this:
20:37pm, 21-03-13, highlighted my fun short 6371.
18:46pm, 21-03-13, banked 14 quid, so that is 178 pounds in red from 79 winners and 63 losers and 2 breakevens out of 144 selections in the 17th Series of fun bets.
17:19pm, 21-03-13, highlighted my fun short 6384.
12:56pm, 21-03-13, nicked 48 quid, so that is 192 pounds in red from 78 winners and 63 losers and 2 breakevens out of 143 selections in the 17th Series of fun bets.
08:30am, 21-03-13, lost 34 quid, highlighted my fun short 6414, 240 pounds in red from 77 winners and 63 losers and 2 breakevens out of 142 selections in the 17th Series of fun bets.
07:18am, 21-03-13, highlighted my fun long 6431.
20:23pm, 20-03-13, banked 64 quid, 206 pounds in red from 77 winners and 62 losers and 2 breakevens out of 141 selections in the 17th Series of fun bets.
08:21am, 20-03-13, highlighted my fun short 6468.
20:00pm, 18-03-13, banked 36 quid, 270 pounds in red from 76 winners and 62 losers and 2 breakevens out of 140 selections in the 17th Series of fun bets.
17:31pm, 18-03-13, highlighted my fun short 6458.
08:18m, 18-03-13, limit hit when I was having a shower, happy days, 306 pounds in red from 75 winners and 62 losers and 2 breakevens out of 139 selections in the 17th Series of fun bets.
07:35am, 18-03-13, highlighted my fun long 6363, 50 stop, 50 limit.
09:40am, 16-03-13, suppose that we have seen the top, and a dump till 5550ish classic number and a bounce back to form a lower high near 6500ish would be ideal, if I were the fat controller
so while people can talk about 7000 etc., at these levels, a sudden reversal can not be ruled out safely!
6200ish is now the bottom dollar for bulls
05:56am, 14-03-13, max downside 6110:
17:33pm, 11-03-13, lost 124 quid, so that is 406 pounds in red from 74 winners and 62 losers and 2 breakevens out of 138 selections in the 17th Series of fun bets.
08:29am, 11-03-13, doable?
07:10am, 10-03-13, ftse 100 might go like this in the coming week (after an initial attack on 6500ish):
20:20pm, 09-03-13, maybe ftse100 will go like this:
15:55pm, 08-03-13, bailing out for 6 quid loss, highlighted my fun short 6469, so that is 282 pounds in red from 74 winners and 61 losers and 2 breakevens out of 137 selections in the 17th Series of fun bets.
14:53pm, 08-03-13, highlighted my fun long 6472.
14:21pm, 08-03-13, banked 26 quid, so that is 276 pounds in red from 74 winners and 60 losers and 2 breakevens out of 136 selections in the 17th Series of fun bets.
11:22am, 08-03-13, this red triangle has bearish implications:
09:16am, 08-03-13, highlighted my fun long 6467.
09:13am, 08-03-13, nicked a tenner, 302 pounds in red from 73 winners and 60 losers and 2 breakevens out of 135 selections in the 17th Series of fun bets.
08:48am, 08-03-13, bulls have unfinished bull business till 6510ish today:
08:36am, 08-03-13, highlighted my fun short 6475.
08:29am, 08-03-13, lost 103 quid, so that is 312 pounds in red from 72 winners and 60 losers and 2 breakevens out of 134 selections in the 17th Series of fun bets.
18:24pm, 06-03-13, nicked 8 quid, highlighted my fun short 6428, so that is 209 pounds in red from 72 winners and 59 losers and 2 breakevens out of 133 selections in the 17th Series of fun bets.
17:11pm, 06-03-13, highlighted my fun long 6424, stop 6415.
16:32pm, 06-03-13, came out at 4 quid overall cost, not clever with the dividend hunters yesterday, so that is 217 pounds in red from 71 winners and 59 losers and 2 breakevens out of 132 selections in the 17th Series of fun bets.
15:23pm, 05-03-13, highlighted my fun short 6426.
14:17pm, 05-03-13, banked 60 quid (was on £3 stake, stoploss 6380), so that is 213 pounds in red from 71 winners and 58 losers and 2 breakevens out of 131 selections in the 17th Series of fun bets.
11:59am, 05-03-13, highlighted my fun long 6396.
11:58am, 05-03-13, chopped for 9 quid, so that is 273 pounds in red from 70 winners and 58 losers and 2 breakevens out of 130 selections in the 17th Series of fun bets.
11:27am, 05-03-13, highlighted my fun short 14158.
11:13am, 05-03-13, chopped for 22 quid, 264 pounds in red from 70 winners and 57 losers and 2 breakevens out of 129 selections in the 17th Series of fun bets.
09:06am, 05-03-13, highlighted my fun long 6403.
09:04am, 05-03-13, chopped for 18 quid, 242 pounds in red from 70 winners and 56 losers and 2 breakevens out of 128 selections in the 17th Series of fun bets.
08:53am, 05-03-13, highlighted my fun short 6392.
08:48am, 05-03-13, banked 34 quid, so that is 224 pounds in red from 70 winners and 55 losers and 2 breakevens out of 127 selections in the 17th Series of fun bets.
06:29am, 05-03-13, highlighted my fun long 6376.
20:52pm, 04-03-13, came out at breakeven, so that is 258 pounds in red from 69 winners and 55 losers and 2 breakevens out of 126 selections in the 17th Series of fun bets.
20:05pm, 04-03-13, highlighted my fun short 14120.
20:00pm, 04-03-13, nicked 4 pounds, so that is 258 pounds in red from 69 winners and 55 losers and 1 breakeven out of 125 selections in the 17th Series of fun bets.
06:53am, 04-03-13, a few classic supports to break down:
06:16am, 01-03-2013, end of the bull market???
19:35pm, 28-02-13, chopped for 12 quid and highlighted my fun short 6373, so that is 262 pounds in red from 68 winners and 55 losers and 1 breakeven out of 124 selections in the 17the Series of
18:53pm, 28-02-13, highlighted my fun long 6379.
18:51pm, 28-02-13, chopped for 60 quid, so that is 250 pounds in red from 68 winners and 54 losers and 1 breakeven out of 123 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets
12:12pm, 28-02-13, highlighted my fun short 6349.
10:20am, 28-02-13, banked 38 quid, 190 pounds in red from 68 winners and 53 losers and 1 breakeven out of 122 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets
06:44am, 28-02-13, highlighted my fun short 6363.
20:25pm, 27-02-13, lost 48 quid, lost the plot here, so that is 228 pounds in red from 67 winners and 53 losers and 1 breakeven out of 121 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets
17:29pm, 27-02-13, highlighted my fun short 6346.
17:24pm, 27-02-13, lost that short, so that is 180 pounds in red from 67 winners and 52 losers and 1 breakeven out of 120 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
15:45pm, 27-02-13, highlighted my fun short 6298.
15:36pm, 27-02-13, lost that short, 80 pounds in red from 67 winners and 51 losers and 1 breakeven out of 119 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
09:25am, 27-02-13, a fib perfect bear run:
07:26am, 26-02-13, in a bear move, the best defence for investors is SUK2, well, a nasty name though:
06:06am, 26-02-13, bears are roaming:
21:20pm, 25-02-13, highlighted my fun short 6253.
20:55pm, 25-02-13, lost that long, so that is 26 pounds in PROFIT from 67 winners and 50 losers and 1 breakeven out of 118 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
18:23pm, 25-02-13, highlighted my fun long 6300.
17:50pm, 25-02-13, banked 30 quid, so that is 126 pounds in PROFIT from 67 winners and 49 losers and 1 breakeven out of 117 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
17:00pm, 25-02-13, highlighted my fun long 6305.
16:52pm, 25-02-13, lost 40 quid, so that is 96 pounds in PROFIT from 66 winners and 49 losers and 1 breakeven out of 116 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
16:46pm, 25-02-13, highlighted my fun long 6328.
16:41pm, 25-02-13, banked 38 quid, so that is 136 pounds in PROFIT from 66 winners and 48 losers and 1 breakeven out of 115 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
08:58am, 25-02-13, might go like this :
06:50am, 25-02-13, highlighted my fun short 6351.
20:48pm, 22-02-13, chopped for 56 quid, so that is 98 pounds in PROFIT from 65 winners and 48 losers and 1 breakeven out of 114 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets..
19:50pm, 22-02-13, highlighted my fun short 6350.
19:30pm, 22-02-13, nicked a tenner, so that is 154 pounds in PROFIT from 65 winners and 47 losers and 1 breakeven out of 113 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets..
18:53pm, 22-02-13, highlighted my fun short 13987.
18:50pm, 22-02-13, lost the short, so that is 144 pounds in PROFIT from 64 winners and 47 losers and 1 breakeven out of 112 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets..
09:56am, 22-02-13, very close to the Cliff again:
08:34am, 22-02-13, highlighted my fun short 6335 on double stakes.
08:21am, 22-02-13, banked 28 quid, so that is 244 pounds in PROFIT from 64 winners and 46 losers and 1 breakeven out of 111 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets..
07:45am, 22-02-13, highlighted my fun long 6311 on double stakes.
20:07pm, 21-02-13, chopped for a tenner, so that is 216 pounds in PROFIT from 63 winners and 46 losers and 1 breakeven out of 110 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets..
18:48pm, 21-02-13, bailed out for 18 quid loss, highlighted my fun short 6296, so that is 226 pounds in PROFIT from 63 winners and 45 losers and 1 breakeven out of 109 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets..
16:37pm, 21-02-13, highlighted my fun long 13865.
15:10pm, 21-02-13, chopped for 50 quid, so that is 244 pounds in PROFIT from 63 winners and 44 losers and 1 breakeven out of 107 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets..
08:45am, 21-02-13, highlighted my fun long 6310.
08:32am, 21=-2=13, chopped for 76 quid, so that is 294 pounds in PROFIT from 63 winners and 43 losers and 1 breakeven out of 106 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets..
07:23am, 20-02-13, highlighted my fun long 6352.
21:05pm, 20-02-13, lost 44 quid, so that is 360 pounds in PROFIT from 63 winners and 42 losers and 1 breakeven out of 105 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets..
20:20pm, 20-02-13, highlighted my fun long 13938.
20:07pm, 20-02-13, banked 42 quid, so that is 404 pounds in PROFIT from 63 winners and 41 losers and 1 breakeven out of 104 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets..
18:48pm, 20-02-13, maybe it is time to fill in that gap!!!!
10:18am, 20-02-13, highlighted my fun short 6395.
10:05am, 20-02-13, banked 36 quid, so that is 362 pounds in PROFIT from 62 winners and 41 losers and 1 breakeven out of 103 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets..
09:03am, 20-02-13, chopped for 20 quid, highlighted my fun long 6384, so that is 326 pounds in PROFIT from 61 winners and 41 losers and 1 breakeven out of 102 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets..
08:32am, 20-02-13, chopped for 4 quid, highlighted my fun short 6374, so that is 346 pounds in PROFIT from 61 winners and 40 losers and 1 breakeven out of 101 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets..
07:23am, 20-02-13, highlighted my fun long 6376.
20:16pm, 19-02-13, chopped for 6 quid, so that is 350 pounds in PROFIT from 61 winners and 39 losers and 1 breakeven out of 100 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
18:16pm, 19-02-13, highlighted my fun short 6369.
17:13pm, 19-02-13, chopped for 14 quid, so that is 356 pounds in PROFIT from 61 winners and 38 losers and 1 breakeven out of 99 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
16:08pm, 19-02-13, highlighted my fun short 14018.
14:50pm, 19-02-13, chopped for 38 quid, so that is 370 pounds in PROFIT from 61 winners and 37 losers and 1 breakeven out of 98 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
14:10pm, 19-02-13, highlighted my fun short 6351.
14:03pm, 19-02-13, nicked 28 quid, so that is 408 pounds in PROFIT from 61 winners and 36 losers and 1 breakeven out of 97 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets
12:08pm, 19-02-13, highlighted my fun long 6339.
12:05pm, 19-02-13, nicked a tenner, so that is 380 pounds in PROFIT from 60 winners and 36 losers and 1 breakeven out of 96 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets
11:21am, 19-02-13, highlighted my fun short 6344.
10:08am, 19-02-13, banked 24 quid, so that is 370 pounds in PROFIT from 59 winners and 36 losers and 1 breakeven out of 95 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets
09:06am, 19-02-13, highlighted my fun long 6325.
08:34am, 19-02-13, banked 36 quid, so that is 346 pounds in PROFIT from 58 winners and 36 losers and 1 breakeven out of 94 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets
07:33am, 19-02-13, highlighted my fun long 6312.
18:07pm, 18-02-13, nicked 2 quid, so that is 310 pounds in PROFIT from 57 winners and 36 losers and 1 breakeven out of 93 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
08:25am, 18-02-13, highlighted my fun long 6317.
08:22am, 18-02-13, chopped for 7 quid, so that is 308 pounds in PROFIT from 56 winners and 36 losers and 1 breakeven out of 92 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets
07:56am, 16-02-13, some weekly reflections:
"I am speechless. A second week without doing the weekly studies as a mooriverwatcher, the moorivertrader thrived again, now the fun bet series stands at £315 in profit. This seems to demonstrate
that the roles of a mooriverwatcher and a moorivertrader are mutually exclusive, hence one can only choose to be either, not both, it seems. I will keep on building up the profits, when it reaches
£1000 in profit, I will give this duality role another go, just to tempt fate once more, to see whether this duality dilemma is actually valid.
But I have been pondering why this duality dilemma exits. It is a matter of actor(me), action(moorivertrader) and theory of action(mooriverwatcher). Without going into too much details,
the fundamental issue is that action entails trial and error while the theory of action pursues perfection, rationality, logical coherence etc., hence by taking on the duality roles, the actor
is most likely to be squashed between two opposite forces.
Still, had a very bad Tuesday again. Without that one, the profit would have been more than 500 pounds.
All to play for in the coming week, as I expect the meandering process to continue in February, though China comes back to trading after their festival.
Have a nice weekend, folks."
20:48pm, 15-02-13, highlighted my fun short 13965.
20:31pm, 15-02-13, nicked 7 quid, so that is 315 pounds in PROFIT from 56 winners and 35 losers and 1 breakeven out of 91 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
19:48pm, 15-02-13, highlighted my fun long 6311.
19:18pm, 15-02-13, banked 10 quid, so that is 308 pounds in PROFIT from 55 winners and 35 losers and 1 breakeven out of 90 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
18:13pm, 15-02-13, highlighted my fun short 6320.
17:32pm, 15-02-13, banked 56 quid, so that is 298 pounds in PROFIT from 54 winners and 35 losers and 1 breakeven out of 89 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
13:56pm, 15-02-13, highlighted my fun short 6347.
12:35pm, 15-02-13, chopped for 16 quid, so that is 242 pounds in PROFIT from 53 winners and 35 losers and 1 breakeven out of 88 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
10:29am, 15-02-13, nicked 16 quid, highlighted my fun short 6323, so that is 258 pounds in PROFIT from 53 winners and 34 losers and 1 breakeven out of 87 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
09:39am, 15-02-13, highlighted my fun long 6314.
09:33am, 15-02-13 banked 34 quid, 242 pounds in PROFIT from 52 winners and 34 losers and 1 breakeven out of 86 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
18:31pm, 14-02-13, highlighted my fun short 6332.
16:22pm, 14-02-13, lost 8 quid, so that is 209 pounds in PROFIT from 51 winners and 34 losers and 1 breakeven out of 85 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
14:58pm, 14-02-13, highlighted my fun short 6323.
12:54pm, 14-02-13, banked 30 quid, so that is 217 pounds in PROFIT from 51 winners and 33 losers and 1 breakeven out of 85 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
11:11am, 14-02-13, highlighted my fun long 6308, come on, bulls, don't cry, here comes your turn.
10:59am, 14-02-13, banked 96 quid, happy Valentine's Day, bears, so that is 187 pounds in PROFIT from 50 winners and 33 losers and 1 breakeven out of 84 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
09:06am, 14-02-13, highlighted my fun short 6358.
09:05am, 14-02-13, nicked 2 quid, so that is 91 pounds in PROFIT from 49 winners and 33 losers and 1 breakeven out of 83 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
07:15am, 14-02-13, highlighted my fun long 6358.
20:26pm, 13-02-13, banked 12 quid, so that is 89 pounds in PROFIT from 48 winners and 33 losers and 1 breakeven out of 82 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets
18:25pm, 13-02-13, highlighted my fun short 6363.
16:29pm, 13-02-13, banked 40 quid, so that is 77 pounds in PROFIT from 47 winners and 33 losers and 1 breakeven out of 81 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets
14:41pm, 13-02-13, highlighted my fun short 6378.
14:38pm, 13-02-13, lost the short, so that is 37 pounds in PROFIT from 46 winners and 33 losers and 1 breakeven out of 80 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets
11:51am, 13-02-13, highlighted my fun short 6331.
11:50am, 13-02-13, banked 30 quid, so that is 137 pounds in PROFIT from 46 winners and 32 losers and 1 breakeven out of 79 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
10:35am, 13-02-13, highlighted my fun long 6318.
10:30am, 13-02-13, banked 14 quid, so that is 107 pounds in PROFIT from 45 winners and 32 losers and 1 breakeven out of 78 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
08:04am, 13-02-13, highlighted my fun short 6322.
08:01am, 13-02-13, banked 20 quid, so that is 93 pounds in PROFIT from 44 winners and 32 losers and 1 breakeven out of 77 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
07:29am, 13-02-13, highlighted my fun long 6313.
20:49pm, 12-02-13, chopped for a total cost of 78 quid, so that is 73 pounds in PROFIT from 43 winners and 32 losers and 1 breakeven out of 76 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
09:21am, 12-02-13, highlighted my fun short 6289.
09:18am, 12-02-13, banked 38 quid, so that is 151 pounds in PROFIT from 43 winners and 31 losers and 1 breakeven out of 75 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
07:02am, 12-02-13, highlighted my fun long 6269.
20:54pm, 11-02-13, nicked 8 quid, so that is 113 pounds in PROFIT from 42 winners and 31 losers and 1 breakeven out of 74 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
18:10pm, 11-02-13, highlighted my fun long 6272.
17:19pm, 11-02-13, banked 14 quid, so that is 105 pounds in PROFIT from 41 winners and 31 losers and 1 breakeven out of 73 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
16:46pm, 11-02-13, highlighted my fun short 6280.
16:12pm, 11-02-13, banked 26 quid, so that is 91 pounds in PROFIT from 40 winners and 31 losers and 1 breakeven out of 72 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
13:11pm, 11-02-13, highlighted my fun short 6285.
13:04pm, 11-02-13, banked 22 quid, so that is 68 pounds in PROFIT from 39 winners and 31 losers and 1 breakeven out of 71 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
11:26am, 11-02-13, highlighted my fun long 6275.
09:47am, 11-02-13, banked 54 quid, so that is 46 pounds in PROFIT from 38 winners and 31 losers and 1 breakeven out of 70 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
08:05am, 11-02-13, highlighted my fun long 6257.
21:22pm, 08-02-13, bailed out at 18 quid loss, so that is 8 pounds in red from 37 winners and 31 losers and 1 breakeven out of 69 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
16:45pm, 08-02-13, a lick of 6300ish will be enough:
16:01pm, 08-02-13, highlighted my fun long 6269.
15:14pm, 08-02-13, banked 38 quid, so that is 10 pounds in profit from 37 winners and 30 losers and 1 breakeven out of 68 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets
13:41pm, 08-02-13, highlighted my fun long 6255.
13:38pm, 08-02-13, chopped for 36 quid, so that is 28 pounds in red from 36 winners and 30 losers and 1 breakeven out of 67 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets
08:46am, 08-02-13, meandering?
22:14pm, 07-02-13, need one more leg down to complete the job:
17:30pm, 07-02-13, highlighted my fun short 6236.
17:12pm, 07-02-13, nicked 18 quid, so that is 8 pounds in Profit from 36 winners and 29 losers and 1 breakeven out of 66 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
16:54pm, 07-02-13, highlighted my fun long 6227.
16:52pm, 07-02-13, nicked 6 quid, so that is 10 pounds in red from 35 winners and 29 losers and 1 breakeven out of 65 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets
16:26pm, 07-02-13, highlighted my fun short 6230.
16:17pm, 07-02-13, nicked 18 quid, so that is 16 pounds in red from 34 winners and 29 losers and 1 breakeven out of 64 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets
15:44pm, 07-02-13, highlighted my fun long 6227
15:34pm, 07-02-13, banked 74 quid, so that is 34 pounds in red from 33 winners and 29 losers and 1 breakeven out of 63 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets
14:30pm, 07-02-13, highlighted my fun short 6276.
14:17pm, 07-02-13, banked 20 quid, so that is 108 pounds in red from 32 winners and 29 losers and 1 breakeven out of 62 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
13:22pm, 07-02-13, highlighted my fun long 6270.
13:01pm, 07-02-13, banked 48 quid, so that is 128 pounds in red from 31 winners and 29 losers and 1 breakeven out of 61 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
11:42am, 07-02-13, jumping off the board, what a bear dive, 10/10?
09:31am, 07-02-13, bailed out at a loss of 6 quid, highlighted my fun short 6295, 176 pounds in red from 30 winners and 29 losers and 1 breakeven out of 60 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
06:41am, 07-02-13, a bearflag?
06:31am, 07-02-13, highlighted my fun long 6298.
21:30pm, 06-02-13, nicked 4 quid, hugely disappointed, so that is 170 pounds in red from 30 winners and 28 losers and 1 breakeven out of 59 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
09:44am, 06-02-13, highlighted my fun short 6306.
09:40am, 06-02-13, banked 28 quid, so that is 174 pounds in red from 29 winners and 28 losers and 1 breakeven out of 58 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
08:35am, 06-02-13, going the right way:
06:42am, 06-02-13, no bears today:
06:34am, 06-02-13, highlighted my fun long 6292.
06:20am, 06-02-13, out of the short at 7 quid loss, so that is 202 pounds in red from 28 winners and 28 losers and 1 breakeven out of 57 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
20:08pm, 05-02-13, highlighted my fun short 6290.
20:05pm, 05-02-13, nicked 4 quid, so that is 195 pounds in red from 28 winners and 27 losers and 1 breakeven out of 56 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
19:31pm, 05-02-13, highlighted my fun long 6288.
19:29pm, 05-02-13, bailed out at 14 quid loss, so that is 199 pounds in red from 27 winners and 27 losers and 1 breakeven out of 55 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
15:25pm, 05-02-13, time to break 6250?
14:33pm, 05-02-13, came out at breakeven, highlighted my fun short 6280, so that is 185 pounds in red from 27 winners and 26 losers and 1 breakeven out of 54 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
13:13pm, 05-02-13, highlighted my fun long 6280.
13:02pm, 05-02-13, nicked 14 quid, so that is 185 pounds in red from 27 winners and 26 losers out of 53 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
12:03pm, 05-02-13, highlighted my fun short 6287.
11:54am, 05-02-13, banked 72 quid, so that is 199 pounds in red from 26 winners and 26 losers out of 52 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
08:20am, 05-02-13, going the right way:
07:01am, 05-02-13, highlighted my fun long 6251.
05:53am, 05-02-13, might go like this:
21:07pm, 04-02-13, nicked a tenner, so that is 271 pounds in red from 25 winners and 26 losers out of 51 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
20:21pm, 04-02-13, highlighted my fun short 6254.
20:13pm, 04-02-13, chopped for 32 quid, so that is 281 pounds in red from 24 winners and 26 losers out of 50 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
13:22pm, 04-02-13, highlighted my fun long 6270.
13:00pm, 04-02-13, banked 50 quid, so that is 249 pounds in red from 24 winners and 25 losers out of 49 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
10:42pm, 04-02-13, chopped for 76 quid, highlighted my fun short 6320, so that is 299 pounds in red from 23 winners and 25 losers out of 48 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
17:11pm, 03-02-13, something like this might happen in the coming week:
07:45am, 03-02-13, BT could be one of the key drivers in this TMT bull market for 2013:
11:57am, 02-02-13, some weekly reflections:
Not much full mooriver reporting in February, might do one on BT this weekend if I get a chance. Trading in the fun bets series has been improved a bit this week.
Let's have a look at my forecasts and outcomes:
FTSE100: 6420-6270 (actual: 6363-6273, the bottom was pinned perfectly!);
SPX500: 1493-1530 (actual: 1496-1514, pinned the bottom here too);
Euro/dollar: $1.3750-$1.3420 (actual: $1.3711-$1.3414, almost perfect here);
Nymex: $99-$95.60 (actual: $98.24-$95.48, almost there too);
Gold: $1600-$1659 (actual: $1684-$1652, I must give up on gold);
BP: 479-455 pence (actual: 482-462 pence);
Barclays: 310-294 pence (actual: 307-295 pence, almost perfect here).
Overall, perhaps this is one of the best bunches of weekly forecasts that I have ever produced. The power of the mooriverwatch system is for all to see, though
it has been let down so far by moorivertrading system in the current fun bet setup. I am taking a break in February.
Have a good one, folks.
18:44pm, 01-02-13, lost 26 quid, highlighted my fun long 6357, so that is 223 pounds in red from 23 winners and 24 losers out of 47 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
16:08pm, 01-02-13, highlighted my fun short 6344 for a scalp.
13:54pm, 01-02-13, banked 58 quid, so that is 197 pounds in red from 23 winners and 23 losers out of 46 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
12:03pm, 01-02-13, highlighted my fun long 6300.
10:34am, 01-02-13, banked 42 quid, so that is 255 pounds in red from 22 winners and 23 losers out of 45 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
08:21am, 01-02-13, BT seems to be heading towards a bright future:
07:32am, 01-02-13, highlighted my fun long 6295.
20:34pm, 31-01-13, lost that long, so that is 297 pounds in red from 21 winners and 23 losers out of 44 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
08:35am, 31-01-13, amazing a humble blog like this could attract visitors from all over the world, thank you for your visits (the Flag Counter was not installed from the very beginning!). In the UK, at least 10,000 people know the difference between a moon river and a moo river, mooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo:
Country | Last New Visitor | ||||||
1. | United Kingdom | 10,175 | 3 hours ago | ||||
2. | United States | 446 | January 28, 2013 | ||||
3. | India | 150 | December 20, 2012 | ||||
4. | France | 32 | January 14, 2013 | ||||
5. | Spain | 29 | January 16, 2013 | ||||
6. | Australia | 28 | November 11, 2012 | ||||
7. | Canada | 25 | 20 hours ago | ||||
8. | Russia | 20 | January 23, 2013 | ||||
9. | Germany | 15 | December 3, 2012 | ||||
10. | South Africa | 15 | November 27, 2012 | ||||
11. | Netherlands | 14 | February 5, 2012 | ||||
12. | Poland | 13 | January 3, 2013 | ||||
13. | Hong Kong | 11 | December 31, 2012 | ||||
14. | Singapore | 11 | December 24, 2012 | ||||
15. | Thailand | 10 | January 18, 2013 | ||||
16. | Philippines | 10 | July 11, 2012 | ||||
17. | Japan | 10 | June 4, 2012 | ||||
18. | Malaysia | 9 | January 10, 2013 | ||||
19. | Taiwan | 9 | February 2, 2012 | ||||
20. | Ireland | 8 | January 7, 2013 | ||||
21. | Belgium | 8 | November 30, 2012 | ||||
22. | Italy | 8 | April 14, 2012 | ||||
23. | Greece | 7 | July 21, 2012 | ||||
24. | Pakistan | 7 | June 5, 2012 | ||||
25. | New Zealand | 6 | October 15, 2012 | ||||
26. | Indonesia | 5 | January 23, 2013 | ||||
27. | Brazil | 5 | January 4, 2013 | ||||
28. | Switzerland | 5 | November 29, 2012 | ||||
29. | Denmark | 5 | October 11, 2012 | ||||
30. | Israel | 5 | May 22, 2012 | ||||
31. | China | 4 | January 24, 2013 | ||||
32. | South Korea | 4 | November 8, 2012 | ||||
33. | Jersey | 4 | April 11, 2012 | ||||
34. | Bahrain | 4 | June 26, 2011 | ||||
35. | Sweden | 3 | September 30, 2012 | ||||
36. | Vietnam | 3 | March 13, 2012 | ||||
37. | Austria | 3 | February 18, 2012 | ||||
38. | Isle of Man | 2 | December 18, 2012 | ||||
39. | Saudi Arabia | 2 | December 6, 2012 | ||||
40. | United Arab Emirates | 2 | September 26, 2012 | ||||
41. | Nigeria | 2 | August 20, 2012 | ||||
42. | Norway | 2 | April 8, 2012 | ||||
43. | Colombia | 2 | February 15, 2012 | ||||
44. | Portugal | 2 | February 13, 2012 | ||||
45. | Hungary | 2 | December 25, 2011 | ||||
46. | Finland | 2 | November 23, 2011 | ||||
47. | Iceland | 2 | June 27, 2011 | ||||
48. | Cayman Islands | 2 | May 19, 2011 | ||||
49. | Czech Republic | 2 | February 26, 2011 | ||||
50. | Cyprus | 1 | January 5, 2013 |
51. | Mauritius | 1 | November 14, 2012 | ||||
52. | Egypt | 1 | October 21, 2012 | ||||
53. | Venezuela | 1 | September 25, 2012 | ||||
54. | Slovakia | 1 | May 30, 2012 | ||||
55. | Brunei | 1 | January 25, 2012 | ||||
56. | Qatar | 1 | January 14, 2012 | ||||
57. | Yemen | 1 | July 6, 2011 | ||||
58. | Serbia | 1 | June 16, 2011 | ||||
59. | Romania | 1 | June 4, 2011 | ||||
60. | Morocco | 1 | May 21, 2011 | ||||
61. | Croatia | 1 | May 14, 2011 | ||||
62. | Kuwait | 1 | April 9, 2011 | ||||
63. | Ukraine | 1 | March 27, 2011 | ||||
64. | Palestinian Territory | 1 | December 26, 2010 | ||||
65. | Peru | 1 | November 6, 2010 | ||||
Unknown - European Union | 17 | December 4, 2012 | |||||
Unknown - Anonymous Proxy | 2 | May 17, 2011 | |||||
Unknown - Satellite Provider | 1 | February 5, 2012 |
08:09am, 31-01-13, slowly recover according to the mooriver map:
05:19am, 31-01-13, expanding triangle topping:
16:08pm, 30-01-13, this would be ideal:
15:20pm, 30-01-13, banked 34 quid, highlighted my fun long 6323, so that is 197 pounds in red from 21 winners and 22 losers out of 43 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
13:23pm, 30-01-13, M+A on MACD:
10:52am, 30-01-13, looking a bit bearish to me, like a goalpost:
10:37am, 30-01-13, highlighted my fun short 6340.
10:33am, 30-01-13, bailing out at 4 quid loss, so that is 231 pounds in red from 20 winners and 22 losers out of 42 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
09:47am, 30-01-13, seems to be going the right way:
05:43am, 30-01-13, my latest thoughts on ftse:
20:33pm, 29-01-13, highlighted my fun long 6341.
19:49pm, 29-01-13, banked a tenner, so that is 227 pounds in red from 20 winners and 21 losers out of 41 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
17:25pm, 29-01-13, banked 16 quid, highlighted my fun long 6329, so that is 237 pounds in red from 19 winners and 21 losers out of 40 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
16:38pm, 29-01-13, highlighted my fun short 6337.
16:33pm, 29-01-13, banked 38 quid, so that is 256 pounds in red from 18 winners and 21 losers out of 39 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
15:50pm, 29-01-13, highlighted my fun long 6324.
15:45pm, 29-01-13, lost 40 quid, so that is 294 pounds in red from 17 winners and 21 losers out of 38 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
09:20am, 29-01-13, maybe this is a better depiction:
04:52am, 29-01-13, maybe it will go like this:
17:00pm, 28-01-13, highlighted my fun short 6301.
15:58pm, 28-01-13, banked 36 quid, so that is 254 pounds in red from 17 winners and 20 losers out of 37 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
14:42pm, 28-01-13, I fancy January to see a top near 6400ish, but close the month about 100 pointers off the top, leaving room for a bearish February
09:07am, 28-01-13, highlighted my fun long 6281:
09:04am, 28-01-13, banked 12 quid, so that is 290 pounds in red from 16 winners and 20 losers out of 36 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
07:13am, 28-01-13, highlighted my fun short 6286.
15:34pm, 26-01-13, some weekly reflections:
What a week. All that grinding finally got to me and missed out on the big bull run on Thursday and then got stuck in the contrarian mentality. My biggest critic Johnga (I happen to think Johnga was also John Liquid in his previous form) has got a big point and it is sad that often I can see the market but still can not make money out of it so far! People who later become successful always thank their biggest critic for that extra motivation in
their stage of weakness and development. I must say, having read some of Johnga/John Liquid's messages, I think I can take these criticisms on the chin. John Liquid who only trades spx500 has a trading strategy, whereby he only trades one way in the direction of the trend. That should have been
a good saving point in the past week for many a bear all over the land, as the trend was up and might still be upwards and onwards!
Now let's have a look at my weekly forecasts and outcomes:
FTSE100: 6140-6260 (actual: 6148-6297);
SPX500: 1471-1494 (actual: 1480-1504);
Euro/dollar: $1.3427-$1.3300 (actual: $1.3479-$1.3265);
Nymex: $99-$94.80 (actual: $96.92-$94.96);
Gold: $1700-$1633 (actual: $1696-$1656);
Barclays: 287-310 pence (actual: 294-304 pence);
BP: 467-455 pence (actual: 470-455 pence).
With a batch of weekly studies like that, any other traders would have made tons of money there. There is a problem here, time to take a break in February.
Take care, folks.
21:52pm, 25-01-13, lost that short, so that is 302 pounds in red from 15 winners and 20 losers out of 35 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
05:27am, 25-01-13, down, up and then down:
19:46pm, 24-01-13, highlighted my fun short 6245.
18:48pm, 24-01-13, chopped for 20 quid, so that is 200 pounds in red from 15 winners and 19 losers out of 34 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
13:42pm, 24-01-13, highlighted my fun short 13788.
13:39pm, 24-01-13, banked 26 quid, so that is 180 pounds in red from 15 winners and 18 losers out of 33 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
10:38am, 24-01-13, creeping upwards and onwards:
09:23am, 24-01-13, bailed out for 40 quid loss and highlighted my fun long 6213, so that is 206 pounds in red from 14 winners and 18 losers out of 32 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
05:54am, 24-01-13, meandering downwards:
21:48pm, 23-01-13, chopped for 20 quid, highlighted my fun short 6193, so that is 166 pounds in red from 14 winners and 17 losers out of 31 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
20:50pm, 23-01-13, highlighted my fun long 6206.
20:46pm, 23-01-13, chopped for 9 quid, so that is 146 pounds in red from 14 winners and 16 losers out of 30 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
19:14pm, 23-01-13, highlighted my fun short 13772.
19:11pm, 23-01-13, banked 30 quid, so that is 137 pounds in red from 14 winners and 15 losers out of 29 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
09:18am, 23-01-13, highlighted my fun long 6188.
08:48am, 23-01-13, lost 24 quid, so that is 167 pounds in red from 13 winners and 15 losers out of 28 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
08:13am, 23-01-13, highlighted my fun long 6200.
21:28pm, 22-01-13, might go like this:
21:20pm, 22-01-13, banked 44 quid, so that is 143 pounds in red from 13 winners and 14 losers out of 27 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
19:07pm, 22-01-13, highlighted my fun long 6193.
18:26pm, 22-01-13, banked 22 quid, so that is 187 pounds in red from 12 winners and 14 losers out of 26 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
12:37pm, 22-01-13, it twists and turns and finished a Wave 4 down, now the final Wave 5 up towards 6260ish:
08:04am, 21-01-13, slightly adjusted:
07:10am, 21-01-13, look at the red mooriver, that could be the one to use:
07:04am, 21-01-13, highlighted my fun long 6176.
07:00am, 21-01-13, think this is the dominant mooriver in play:
05:45pm, 21-01-13, lost 62 quid on that fun short, 209 pounds in red from 11 winners and 14 losers out of 25 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
21:27pm, 20-01-13, the triangle on euro/dollar:
10:28am, 20-01-13, a possible roadmap on Lloyds:
07:33am, 20-01-13, some weekly reflections below:
Our moostar Raffles is staying focused on the long side with his massive longs, lol, every time I dithered, he becomes more determined to see out his vision in huge profit, his bank manager
will be smiling again when he finally banks them longs, lol. Well done, buddy, you shine even in this snowy white season.
Let's have a look at my forecasts and outcomes:
FTSE100: 6119-6274 (actual: 6075-6184);
SPX500: 1467-1497 (actual: 1462-1486);
Euro/dollar: $1.3340-$1.3692 (actual: $1.3257-$1.3404);
Nymex: $93.60-$98.20 (actual: $92.96-$96.50);
Gold: $1663-$1590 (actual: $1661-$1697, continue to get it wrong with gold);
Barclays: 295-311 pence (actual: 287-301 pence);
BP: 487-461 pence (actual: 463-455 pence);
Lloyds: 53.5-64.8 pence (actual: 52-55.6 pence).
Saw the bull run and underestimated the jitters a bit and overestimated the exuberance a bit. Shame, no nailed-on forecasts at all.
Have a good Sunday, folks.
12:12pm, 18-01-13, highlighted my fun short 6161.
12:07pm, 18-01-13, banked 96 quid, so that is 147 pounds in red from 11 winners and 13 losers out of 24 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
06:55am, 18-01-13, could do with some sharpening:
17:55pm, 17-01-13, this pitchfork seems to be working out well:
21:26pm, 16-01-13, think this is the mooriver in play:
19:08pm, 15-01-13, highlighted my fun long 6116.
18:58pm, 15-01-13, lost that one, so that is 245 pounds in red from 10 winners and 13 losers out of 23 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
20:08pm, 14-01-13, highlighted my fun long 13380.
20:06pm, 14-01-13, chopped for 25 quid, so that is 145 pounds in red from 10 winners and 12 losers out of 22 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
18:13pm, 14-01-13, highlighted my fun short 13488.
18:11pm, 14-01-13, chopped the long for 33 quid, so that is 121 pounds in red from 10 winners and 11 losers out of 21 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
07:27am, 13-01-13, an interesting mooriver speculation on Lloyds Banking Group shares, back to 300 pence one day! That will make all taxpayers smile!
17:00pm, 12-01-13, some weekly reflections:
Finally, even our Moostar trader Raffles has found this market a bit of a dither, so he has switched into a much smaller operation for now, which is a good move, imo. Scalping is
becoming very hard, as the daily ranges are kept very tight and trending is not yielding any price movement north yet.
Let's have a look at my forecasts and outcomes:
FTSE100: 6200-6015 (actual: 6132-6050);
SPX500: 1448-1492 (actual: 1451-1476);
Nymex: $93.13-$89.70 (actual: $94.70-$92.44);
Gold: $1656-$1550 (actual: $1679-$1643);
Euro/dollar: $1.3400-$1.3000 (actual: $1.3366-$1.3017);
Barclays: 267-290 pence (actual: 281-302 pence);
BP: 440-465 pence (actual: 446-467 pence).
Well, at least nailed the euro/dollar forecast.
Have a nice weekend, folks.
10:27am, 12-01-13, all Llodys investors will be laughing all the way to their Bank!
07:32am, 11-01-13, a very patient market with lots of jittery traders:
19:46pm, 10-01-13, highlighted my fun long 6113.
19:40pm, 10-01-13, chopped for 14 quid, so that is 88 pounds in red from 10 winners and 10 losers out of 20 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
16:33pm, 10-01-13, highlighted my fun short 6102.
16:15pm, 10-01-13, banked 30 quid, hugely disappointing, so that is 74 pounds in red from 10 winners and 9 losers out of 19 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
10:18am, 10-01-13, Lloyds could be the shining star or Black Hose for 2013:
07:53am, 10-01-13, bulls need to defend pivot:
06:20am, 10-01-13, crossing on ftse:end of meandering, now crossing, so no more scalps on shorts until it hits the upperbank near 6250ish:
08:04am, 09-01-13, highlighted my fun long 6076.
08:01, 09-01-13, chopped for a twenty, so that is 104 pounds in red from 9 winners and 9 losers out of 18 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
15:47pm, 08-01-13, switched out of the long into the short at a cost of 32 quid and hightlighted my fun short 6064, so that is 84 pounds in red from 9 winners and 8 losers out of 17 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
11:50am, 08-01-13, highlighted my fun long 6084.
11:45am, 08-01-13, lost 42 quid, so that is 52 pounds in red from 9 winners and 7 losers out of 16 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
08:19am, 08-01-13, highlighted my fun short 6060.
20:10pm, 07-01-13, nicked 6 quid, so that is 10 pounds in red from 9 winners and 6 losers out of 15 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
19:30pm, 07-01-13, highlighted my fun long 6066.
19:14pm, 07-01-13, banked 28 quid, so that is 16 pounds in red from 8 winners and 6 losers out of 14 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
11:25am, 07-01-13, here is my current bearish count on ftse:
10:45am, 07-01-13, highlighted my fun short 6075.
10:23am, 07-01-13, chopped the ftse long for a tenner, so that is 44 pounds in red from 7 winners and 6 losers out of 13 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
10:14am, 07-01-13, euro found support near $1.3000 big round number.
09:07am, 07-01-13, further adjustment to the ftse daily range:
09:04am, 07-01-13, highlighted my fun long 6072.
09:02am, 07-01-13, banked 46 quid, so that is 34 pounds in red from 7 winners and 5 losers out of 12 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
08:26am, 07-01-13, goes the right way:
07:25am, 07-01-13, daily range on ftse adjusted a bit:
19:16pm, 06-01-13, the weekend is over. FTSE100 might go like this over the coming week:
22:20pm, 05-01-13, all seven reports done, some weekly reflections below:
Had a good start in the new series of fun bets, then wavered again. The old habits die hard. I think basically in 2012 I lost the trader's guts due to the intense love affair with the
markets, gripped by a variety of fear. It is only a game of greed and fear and fear breeds more fear. One has to be brave and determined to be a winner in this game.
Let's have a look at the two forecasts I provided last weekend and the actual outcomes:
FTSE100: 5875-6130 (actual: 5869-6106);
SPX500: 1409-1257 (actual: 1390-1468).
Well, I was caught in two minds and hence produced two divergent forecasts with the bullish count hitting the nail on the head.
That is the problem with me, really, though there is very little doubt that I CAN see the future, for better or for worse!
Have a nice weekend, folks.
20:12pm, 04-01-13, highlighted my fun short 6097.
20:10pm, 04-01-13, lost that spx short, so that is 80 pounds in red from 6 winners and 5 losers out of 11 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
06:20am, 04-01-13, bulls continue to defend defend 6000-6020 zone, a grinding bull market:
20:57pm, 03-01-13, highlighted my fun short 1456.
20:54pm, 03-01-13, chopped for 32 quid, so that is 20 pounds in profit from 6 winners and 4 losers out of 10 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
18:38pm, 03-01-13, highlighted my fun long 6054 on GS.
17:39pm, 03-01-13, chopped for 30 quid, so that is 52 pounds in profit from 6 winners and 3 loser out of 9 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
16:07pm, 03-01-13, ftse: possible head and shoulder pattern:
13:53pm, 03-01-13, came out at 2 quid profit, and highlighted my fun short 6036, so that is 82 pounds in profit from 6 winners and 2 loser out of 8 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
13:49pm, 03-01-13, highlighted my fun long 6035.
13:47pm, 03-01-13, chopped for 35 quid, so that is 80 pounds in profit from 5 winners and 2 loser out of 7 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
13:07pm, 03-01-13, highlighted my fun short 1457.5.
12:50pm, 03-01-13, nicked a tenner, so that is 115 pounds in profit from 5 winners and 1 loser out of 6 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
12:25pm, 03-01-13, bulls have survived the final jitter:
10:58am, 03-01-13, ftse100: while price is being held firm, the rising angle has reduced and we are meandering between the blue fanlines for these two days.
next week should see the bulls resume its trendy run north with more vigor.
09:50am, 03-01-13, ftse double bottomed?
09:43am, 03-01-13, on ftse 100: the downside is limited, might have finished, but the upside is rather uncertain, either 6110 or 6140ish max today:
09:17am, 03-01-13, highlighted my fun long 6021.
09:15am, 03-01-13, banked 22 quid, so that is 104 pounds in profit from 4 winners and 1 loser out of 5 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
07:03am, 03-01-13, highlighted my fun short 6032.
05:13am, 03-01-13, ftse daily forecast:
21:01pm, 02-01-13, banked 54 quid, so that is 82 pounds in profit from 3 winners and 1 loser out of 4 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
20:53pm, 02-01-13, going the right way:
19:05pm, 02-01-13, bulls are defending 6000-6020 zone:
18:00pm, 02-01-13, highlighted my fun long 6019.
17:48pm, 02-01-13, bailing out for a loss of 24 quid, so that is 28 pounds in profit from 2 winners and 1 loser out of 3 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
15:10pm, 02-01-13, bulls are rampant today, however, it might go like this:
10:37am, 02-01-13, might go like this though bulls are rampant:
10:25am, 02-01-13, highlighted my fun short 6005.
10:22am, 02-01-13, banked 44 quid, so that is 52 pounds in profit from 2 winners out of 2 selections in the 17the Series of fun bets.
10:18am, 02-01-13, there has been a significant breakout for 2013:
08:18am, 02-01-13, highlighted my fun long 5984.
08:16am, 02-01-13, nicked 8 quid, so that is 8 pounds in profit from 1 winner out of 1 selection in the 17the Series of fun bets. Happy New Year, a winning start.
07:33am, 02-01-13, highlighted my fun short 5984.
04:33, 02-01-13, maybe no more bears for now.
20:03pm, 01-01-13, still think this is a bear market:
14:02pm, 01-01-13, Happy New Year to all mooriver fans all over the world. I wish you all a heathy, happy and prosperous 2013. My New Year's resolution is to stick to being a chart trader and trade what I see and will kick off the new 17th series of fun bets in the new year, this time, purely based on chart trading. Let's see how it goes.